Dog Anesthesia

At Advanced Animal Care, we understand that anesthesia for your canine companion can be a concerning topic. We prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry family member during every step of the anesthesia process. Our dedicated team of veterinarians and technicians takes every precaution to ensure your dog receives the safest and most comfortable care.

Pre-Anesthetic Planning

Prior to any procedure requiring anesthesia, we create a personalized pre-anesthetic plan tailored to your dog's specific needs. Our approach includes:

  • Health Assessment

We conduct a comprehensive physical examination to evaluate your dog's overall health. This enables us to identify any underlying medical conditions that may affect anesthesia.

  • Review of Medical History

Your dog's medical history is invaluable. We take into account previous illnesses, surgeries, allergies, or any prior reactions to anesthesia to ensure the safety of the procedure.

  • Customized Anesthesia Protocol

Each dog is unique, and we carefully select the most appropriate anesthetic agents and techniques based on your dog's individual requirements. This personalized approach minimizes anesthesia-related risks.

Lab Work

To provide the highest level of safety during anesthesia, we perform thorough lab work, including:

  • Blood Tests

Blood tests are crucial for evaluating your dog's organ function, red and white blood cell counts, and blood clotting abilities. These tests help us uncover hidden issues and guide our anesthesia choices to ensure the utmost safety.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG assesses your dog's heart function, identifying any abnormalities and ensuring their heart is in optimal condition for anesthesia.

Anesthesia Monitoring

Throughout the entire anesthesia process, our team closely monitors your dog's vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and carbon dioxide levels. This continuous monitoring allows us to detect and respond to any changes promptly.

Post-Anesthetic Care

Our commitment to your dog's well-being doesn't end when the procedure is completed. We provide attentive care and monitoring as your dog wakes up from anesthesia, offering a comfortable and warm recovery environment to ensure a smooth transition.

Your Peace of Mind

We understand that entrusting your dog to our care can be a source of anxiety. However, you can have confidence in the meticulous precautions we take to ensure your pet's safety during anesthesia. Your dog's health and comfort are our highest priorities, and our team is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of veterinary care.

If you have any questions or concerns about dog anesthesia or if you would like to schedule a procedure for your beloved canine companion, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to provide information, support, and the best possible care for your pet.

At Advanced Animal Care of Mt Pleasant, we're committed to ensuring that your dog's anesthesia experience is as safe and comfortable as possible.