Behavioral Medicine

Having difficulty with your pet eliminating in the house? Every wonder why your pet doesn’t play nicely with others? Are you worried about what you might find chewed up or damaged when you return home? These and many other issues are common problems that can arise when living with a furry companion. Pet behavior services at aacmp

Our practice provides consultation services such as house/ crate training, appropriate play, litter box care, scratching/ nail care, social skills and advice for caring and living with pets starting from the first day of adoption to the last days their blessed lives. We also provide individual therapy involving complicated and serious behavioral problems such as separation anxiety, thunderstorm/ noise phobias aggression and other behavioral challenges.

Dr. David Steele is a Fear Free Certified Professional. He attended the Case-Based Applied Behavioral Medicine conference hosted by the North American Veterinary Community. This in-depth, week-long continuing education course was led by Dr. Karen Overall, who literally wrote the book on Clinical Behavioral Medicine. Dr. Steele thoroughly enjoyed the lectures and meeting new veterinarians who share his passion for behavioral science. He now incorporates this new education into the practice by continuing to teach new methods of safe, fear free handling to his veterinary team.
